Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Crossroads Election

Random Thoughts on Paper

By Crystal Laramore and Deborah Martin

Astutely Edited by Cheryl Laramore

Crossroads Election

Many believe this election is a crossroads of sorts for the American people. We have two candidates running for President:

John McCain - a decorated war veteran, a man who stood up against terrorists, a long time national-level public servant, a federalist and a staunch defender of the Constitution of the United States. No one questions his character.

Barack Hussein Obama – a young, charismatic former community activist whose national-level public service consists of roughly 18 months in the United States Senate, almost all of which has been spent campaigning for President and no executive-level experience of any kind who will not defend the world's greatest constitution-yours! Many question important past associations, including those with terrorists, and those who hate long-held American values, including the constitution, who helped shape his worldview and policies.

Many believe that we are faced with maintaining capitalism or sliding further into socialism. This is, by far, the most important issue of this campaign. Listen up congressmen and senators; we didn't elect you to sit on your asses and do nothing and remain silent while our way of life is being hijacked and our greatness is being replaced with mediocrity. If we become socialist, we won’t need the Dow Jones; the bell can be replaced with a recording and a fog horn – “We’re ALL poor”! It won’t matter how we treat our enemies because our military will be decimated. It won’t matter what kind of healthcare we have – we’ll ALL suffer from long lines, delays and denial of even mediocre care due to the new bureaucracy.

Some people say us folks on the right are fear-mongers. Well, yeah, if there’s something to be afraid of and here it is:

SOCIALISM: a: a system of society or group living in which there is no private property b: a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state; b: a stage of society in Marxist theory transitional between capitalism and communism and distinguished by unequal distribution of goods and pay according to work done. Read: No incentive to excel, succeed or be ambitious.

CAPITALISM: a: an economic system characterized by private or corporate ownership of capital goods, by investments that are determined by private decision, and by prices, production, and the distribution of goods that are determined mainly by competition in a free market. Read: GREAT incentive to excel, succeed and be ambitious!

Did you read the definitions above? There is a GREAT difference between capitalism and socialism. Capitalism has made the U.S. into the super power we are. Capitalism is the reason the “tempest tossed” still want to come here.

The rest of the world should WANT us to remain capitalist. After all, we are the world's big brother, for better or worse. We're the ones with the desire AND the ability to help everyone in need and drive worldwide success; hence the term SUPER Power.

When our founding fathers formed our government, they never intended it to become "big brother". Government was intended only to prevent unfair intervention in our lives by the parties in power and by foreigners. Government was supposed to stay small and de-centralized. Especially the federal government. Individuals could forge their own destiny. That's a very powerful idea and we embraced it with great vigor!

Obviously these original intentions are not being honored; the intentions that resulted in making this country the greatest source of freedom and innovation the world has ever known! More and more power has been concentrated in fewer and fewer individuals, which has created an environment ripe for poor and selfish decision making.

Socialism sounds noble – don’t we all want to help the downtrodden? Of course we do. But haven’t private enterprises and your private checkbook always done that in the past? Those who (truly) DESERVE help will always get it. God takes care of even the sparrows. A Socialist government turns us into a nanny state where more and more people stop being self-reliant and become lazy. These failed policies and strategies have a clear track record – just look at the countries which have followed them – USSR , Cuba , China , Venezuela , Iraq , etc. Where there is no freedom there is no incentive to excel. Citizens become prisoners of the government – only allowed to go and do, work or play wherever and however allowed by the few in power.

So why are people attracted to Barack Hussein Obama, who has slowly opened up with his leftist ideas and plans? He’s exposed himself to us gradually, cunningly. Why are we attracted to people like his wife, Michelle, who said “For the first time people are voting”. People are saying for the first time I have something to believe in…believe in what?? “Redistribution of Wealth?”, which is a philosophy Obama has apparently believed in since at least as far back as 1995 when he referenced our founding father’s “blind spot” in leaving out “economic justice and redistribution of wealth” from our Constitution.

John Gault (read Atlas Shrugged) and Bill Gates are leaving the building even as you read this. They’re leaving so fast that if you listen you can hear the air move as they pass by you. They may even be whispering directions; the new direction to the new world. A world where you will still be rewarded for your talents, ambition, risk and hard work rather than penalized!

Michelle Obama said that for the first time in history young people felt (there we go with “feeling vs. thinking” politics) there was a reason for them to vote. Well, most of them feel this way b/c they just turned 18 and CAN vote and the rest of them are too young to know better and I bet some of them really, really like the idea of you and I working, redistributing our wealth to them, so they can stay home and play NINTENDO or XBOX.

Michelle Obama said once that for the first time in her life she was proud of her country. Hmmmm. Why? Because a man who is half black and half white is running for president? That’s it? Well Michelle Obama I’m proud of my country for that reason too. But it’s not the first time I’ve ever been proud of my country.

I’m proud of my country because of its constitution which says you can be anything you want to be if you set your mind to it and work hard. We'll give you the freedoms and the opportunities to make your dreams come true. And in doing so, you can help others along the way. I’m proud of a country that opens its heart and pocket book to any area of the world that suffers a natural disaster. I’m proud of a country that says you can say whatever you want, even if it isn’t in alignment with the current governmental party.

When a reporter in Florida specifically addressed Barack Hussein Obama’s Marxist social and fiscal agenda the news station was immediately frozen out of further coverage from the Obama Campaign. Listen folks. Just listen to what that decision says. And do you think that will be the end of the limitations on your right to free speech, or are we only going to be free to say the "right" speech…Wonder how Oprah feels about THAT?

THIS decision tells me a lot about Barack Hussein Obama and many of his supporters and followers. You know the reason socialism never lasts? Because the hard workers start to resent the fact that lazy people get something for nothing and the rest of the money "disappears" into the hands of those in power. I'm there!! I'll be damned if I want to work my butt off just to give my money to the government which then turns around and gives it to people like the ever-whining, never-working class who didn't have the sense to get out of N.O. when they were told to and who will now spend the rest of their lives feeling oppressed instead of getting OFF their lazy buttocks and going to work. THAT gets me ROYALLY ticked off!

And what about business owners? Why on earth would you want to work 18 (Read: eighteen) hour days to grow a business and then get NO benefit? Most people want to help others, but we want to look out for our own first. One of the reasons capitalism works so well is that there is a lot of motivation to be successful. And a lot of successful people turn around and help those who really need it. However, they don't have a lot of sympathy for the lazy. Nor should they.
The decision in this election is simple – do you want MORE government influence and control in your life? Do you want less control over who benefits from your success? Do you want to support those who are at the bottom of the totem pole because of their own laziness? Then by all means, vote Barack Hussein Obama.

However – if you want to ensure that America remains a free market system with its glories and flaws, if you want to KEEP the hope that you can make of yourself what you will by your own sweat, ingenuity and intestinal fortitude and if you want to “teach a man to fish” instead of giving him most of yours, then you must vote for the candidate who has proven his loyalty, proven his willingness to stand up to opponents and proven his tenacity – you must vote for John McCain on 4 November.

Control is one of those things we have a lot less of than we believe we do. The older we get the more we realize this. We can’t make someone love us, we can’t make people/politicians/corporations/insurance companies… keep their word to us (something to do with free will and all), we cannot make people trust us and we cannot choose the best path for our loved ones, but we can all lead by example. We can all vote (apparently, some of us can vote more than once…).

So, lead by example and vote (once). The one most committed to their cause will win. And make no mistake about it; the Barack Hussein Obama campaign is COMMITTED…

The following poem is from my military buddies in Colorado:

Twas the night before elections
And all through the town
Tempers were flaring
Emotions all up and down!

I, in my bathrobe
With a cat in my lap
Had cut off the TV
Tired of political crap
When all of a sudden
There arose such a noise
I peered out of my window
Saw Obama and his boys

They had come for my wallet
They wanted my pay
To give to the others
Who had not worked a day!

He snatched up my money
And quick as a wink
Jumped back on his bandwagon
As I gagged from the stink

He then rallied his henchmen
Who were pulling his cart
I could tell they were out
To tear my country apart!

On Fannie, on Freddie,
On Biden and Ayer!
On Acorn, On Pelosi'
He screamed at the pairs!

They took off for his cause
And as he flew out of sight
I heard him laugh at the nation
Who wouldn't stand up and fight!

So I leave you to think;
On this one final note-