Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Glitz, Glamour & Politics

Random Thoughts on Paper

By Crystal Laramore

Editing by Deborah Martin

Contributions by Cheryl Laramore

Oh my. Obama sure surrounded himself with a lot of glitz and glamour didn’t he? Maybe he thinks if the eye is busy looking then the ear cannot hear what is not being said.

Seriously, SOMEBODY, anybody tell me why people like Michael McDonald are voting for him? There cannot be a bigger fan of Michael McDonald out there than me; fan-not fanatic. His voice is sexy, he is sexy, his music is sexy, well you get the picture. His Motown CD is in my car, on my Ipod and in my house and I’ve copied it for my friends. But, sadly I heard him speak at the Obama unveiling last week. Not hidden behind the written word and music, free to speak his feelings, because we all know the rising of Obama is about feelings (cuz it sure ain’t about substance) he lost me. It was the only part of the DNC that I was looking forward to. There he was, seated at his piano. There I was, glued to the television; waiting for him to sing me a love song. But, he started speaking NOT singing. “…Like many of you I think it’s time to take our country back”. Gee, where have I been? I was caught completely unawares. I had no idea someone had taken my country!

Hmmmm. Guess he’s not a big country and western fan. Maybe he knows not of the Dixie Chicks and their fall from grace (See Toby Keith for definition of cause and effect). Maybe he’s old and ready to retire. I hate to say it, but I really have a harder time with what he said than I did with Natalie Maines. She was young, confused, caught up in the moment and obviously has a reputation for not filtering. Michael, well that is a different story. He’s seasoned and yet...what he said he really feels. When are they gonna learn that they are entertainers and they are paid to give us an illusion. They are paid to take us away from reality. They are not paid to speak. They are no Ronald Reagan. There was only one. Just because you have talent and can sing, act, or look attractive doesn’t mean you have any expertise or special knowledge that you need to share with me as an American. The scary thing is that some Americans actually take what these people have to say seriously, thinking they actually know something special just because they can sing. Yes, celebrity does bring responsibility. That is why they shouldn’t speak about their “feelings” regarding issues that affect all of us; people might actually listen to what they “feel” as truth and fact – not just “feelings”. As Laura Ingraham likes to say, “Shut up and sing”!!

My UB (Uncle Bill for all new readers) sends me a copy of the Patriot Perspective from time to time and there was an article by Mark Alexander. He referenced the Dems making decisions based on feelings vs. the GOP making decisions based on what we think. Seems to be the common thread that holds all of us conservatives, strong of mind, free thinking, abstract thinking, America loving, flag waving, gun-toting, Bible thumping folks together; process of thought. If only…

OK, it’s not that we don’t have “feelings”, we have very strong feelings. It’s just that we balance our feelings with thought, logic and yes, facts. We know just because something is said out loud by a political pundit, a newscaster, a preacher, a teacher or the next door neighbor, and ESPECIALLY a political candidate - ANY political candidate - doesn’t mean it is “truth”; likewise we know that just because something is “felt”, it isn’t truth. And we know we have a responsibility to do all we can to discern truth from untruth before making important decisions – like who will lead this great nation.

Seriously, if the Dems were a thinking people, they would not allow folks like Liz Trotta to speak for their party. She was speaking for the liberal (feminist) party today and said that it’s an issue that Sarah Palin is … a mom! Are you kidding me???? Isn’t Obama a dad? Didn’t JFK have young children while serving as President? Didn’t Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton? Did anyone ever question their ability to lead because they had children? NO! Which party is being sexist?

Sarah Palin may be a surprising choice for VP but don’t you like what you see and hear about her? She's a genuine conservative. She IS a reformer. She’s got real American spirit – the kind our forefathers envisioned when they designed our representative form of government. She sees a need and does something about it – beginning with her children’s PTA. She's made tough personal and professional decisions. She’s not the career politician that becomes so enamored with their own position and power they forget they are supposed to representing the “real” people back home. That was never the intent of our founders. It was supposed to be the farmer, who goes to serve for a period, then the banker or the teacher; then they go back home to their real “careers”; the representative service to our local and federal government was never intended to become the career; that leaves far too much room for corruption.

Choices become not about what is best for community, for the nation, but about what will bring re-election. Hmmm….sounds a bit familiar! While I’m sure there are some genuine career politicians with servant’s hearts, we will see this by their actions, not by their words. Words are meaningless unless they are preceded or followed with action – walk the walk, talk the walk. John McCain is one of this rare breed. “I’d rather lose an election, than lose a war” - those words from John McCain were both preceded and followed by his actions in support of our troops and the war against terror. I want real people leading our nation – not those who will say and promise anything to get elected and then make self-serving choices that impact us all. That’s what we did in Elementary School – “Elect Barack for Class President and he’ll give free bubble gum to everyone.” Or “Elect Sally for Class President and she’ll bring cookies for everyone on Friday.” So, we voted based upon nothing more than whether we preferred cookies or bubble gum, or maybe if we knew Barack or Sally would be mad at us and push us down on the playground if we didn’t vote for them. The point is – the person running our country should be about substance, not about words or promises that show no way of how those words or promises will come into fruition and at what cost. That’s the very thing Sarah Palin saw occurring in her home town, in her state and now in her country; she chose to take action, and yes, I’m sure at cost to her personally and to her family; that’s what’s known as “selfless service” to others!! Thank you, Sarah!

Liberals are saying, hey wasn't it great that she had a "choice" to keep her Downs Syndrome baby; as if that made any difference. To her (to quote a bumper sticker) "it's not a choice, it's a child". And THAT, ladies and gentlemen is a fundamental difference between a liberal and a conservative. To a card carrying liberal that precious baby was a choice to be made, not a life to be shared and cherished. If they have that mindset about human life, what in the world makes we the people think they will make decisions based on OUR best interests?!

If you are seriously interested in the promotion of equal rights you best be voting on the ticket that delivers. Who appointed a black man AND a black WOMAN to the position of Secretary of State? Who just chose a WOMAN to be on the ticket as Vice President of the United States of America? Which platform has paved the way for more women/minorities in America to achieve the highest office we have to offer? Look at George Bush’s record on appointments of women and minorities in high offices. The GOP does not feel it should empower women and minorities-it DOES empower women and minorities!

Barack Obama (to quote Newt Gingrich) flinched on one of the most important decisions of his life; his VP nomination. IF Obama was truly interested in change and the progress of women and minorities he would have chosen Hillary Clinton to stand beside him, NOT a life long politician. No, Barack Hussein Obama ran in the direction of safety and status-quo. John McCain, on the other hand, went with someone who represents America. She is one of us. John McCain is one of us.

THINK before you vote!

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