Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap

Random Thoughts on Paper

Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap

By Crystal Laramore

Edited by Deborah Martin

Newsweek calls it Mindless Populism? Seriously? While talking about Sarah
Palin? Being a populist means you have the common man's best interests at
heart. As Vice President she will genuinely fight for the common man (and woman, of course). Barack Hussein Obama, on the other hand, will SAY he's a populist but are his policies really what's best for the rank and file? Not when small business owners, the definition of which he has entirely wrong, will be expected to hire someone and pay their salary just to get a measly $3000 tax credit. However, if you want to talk about popularity Obama will probably win, which has nothing to do with his policies or qualifications. Ever watch Dancing with the Stars? American Idol? America’s Got Talent? The winners are not necessarily the best but they certainly are the most popular.

When I promoted motivational speakers one of my favorites was Les Brown. Les is a black man who was born in a crack house in Florida. He was a twin. His
father is unknown. The two things his mother did that were noble were to keep
the boys together and give them up. Les was always called “the stupid twin”. At
a very early age he was diagnosed as being educable mentally retarded. Les went on to become a janitor at a high school and during a commencement ceremony a man with a doctorate’s in psychology was addressing the student body and the graduates and he said they could be anything they wanted to be. He went on to implore the listeners to not let someone’s perception of them to become their reality.

Well, Les thought he was speaking directly to him and of course he was. Les went on to become one of the best motivational speakers in the world. He went on to marry Gladys Knight. His burning passion and desire fuel me still. I can hear his words and his passion every time I’m in a battle; be it spiritual, emotional, personal or business related; “The person most committed to their cause will win”.

Whichever team in this race is most committed to their cause will win, be it the
GOP or the DEM’s. Now, it doesn’t mean we are going to have a fair and balanced competition. See the latest cover of Newsweek for one example. Let’s talk about that for a minute; personally, I think they did young women around the world a tremendous favor. What they’ve done, unintentionally of course, is to
say “Look! Even if you have a blemish, facial hair, large pores or some well-
deserved wrinkles you too can be the GOP Vice Presidential nominee”!
Newsweek has said to the world “Look, beauty is only skin deep. It’s what’s on
the inside that counts. Perfection is in the eye of the beholder. You don’t
have to be perfect to be smart and successful; you have to be tenacious and hard-working and capable of handling the biggest of monsters that are jealous of your success. You have to be able to stand up to powerful forces who will be against you if you are successful and especially if you are successful, female and
smart”. Young women everywhere take note…members of your very own sex-the sex that has fought for equality for centuries-will be jealous and vindictive toward you if you do not believe, hand-in-glove, how they believe.

Newsweek’s cover was a dirty deed and its original intention was cheap. Everyone saw it for what it was. Everyone. So, beware people, the LIBS will stop at NOTHING to win. They are committed if not honest; creative if not beholden to integrity; rich in enthusiasm if not cheap in methodology; clean with nothing if not dirty with everything. We cannot even believe in their voting base. That number is a lie too. (See Acorn and Obama’s attachment to them.)

I’m truly confused why someone votes for a far-left liberal. And make no mistake Barack is no Democrat in the original intent of its definition. He is going to
shrink our military making us more of a target than a super-power. He is going to
socialize medicine and he is going to tax small businesses and large corporations straight out of your job. If you work for one of us your job will be at risk. I will close my doors before I give all of my (meager) earnings to an employee and/or the govt.

The minimum wage will be $7.25 next July. I don’t have anyone in my kitchen
earning $7.25/hour at this moment. Now, the job done well is worth about
$15.00/hour. However, in my community I’ve yet to find someone who can be
committed to menial tasks such as following a recipe consistently; correctly
placing the food orders; correctly checking in the food orders; following the
basic of instructions or even showing up for every shift. Oh, and mind you this
is a 3 ½ day a week job! Hmmmm. So, I’ll be forced to pay someone $7.25/hour
yet I cannot force them to show up on time or do their job well? Yes. And the
Libs want me to GIVE them insurance? Are you serious? People, SOCIALISM is on the move here. VOTER BEWARE!!!

Back to the Newsweek cover: the caption read “She’s one of the Folks” as if that
is a bad thing. How brilliant! Thank goodness she is one of the folks.
Remember people-we’re going for “Change” here… I’m ready for change aren’t you? Barack and Joe keep chanting about change. And as far as I can tell Joe Biden and Barack Hussein Obama ARE NOT one of the folks and will not bring us change; not change that is positive anyway.

How many Supreme Court decisions can you name? Sarah Palin knew (for sure) of one Supreme Court decision. I bet you can name it cuz it’s the one all of
us “folks” know. It’s probably the only one most of us “folks” know. More proof
that she really is “One of the Folks”. Thanks Newsweek for pointing that out.
Who knew?

Another thing she brings to the table/ticket is integrity. Anyone who wants to
put the national checkbook on the internet is ok by me. That way there is no
room for unethical behavior. It’s all right there for the public to see-in black
and white. At my restaurant the profit/loss spreadsheet is available for
everyone to see. If there is a question about tips or where money goes - it’s on
a spreadsheet and backed up by receipts. I’ve asked for a TABC audit twice
(which is apparently unheard of). I call the health dept. in when they are over
their time for an inspection. I do all of this b/c I do not do anything I mind
the staff seeing. I want to trust them and they need to trust me.

Trust…it’s a small word which carries a big burden. Trusting in someone or
something is scary. Yet when we find significant people in our lives we can
trust don’t we sleep better at night? We trust our mates, our children, our
bosses, our spiritual leaders and we should be able to trust our world leaders.
That is why I will vote for John McCain and Sarah Palin; I trust them. I trust
them with the security of our Nation. I trust they will make decisions that are
best for our economy and our reputation as a superpower. I trust they will abide
by our constitution and hold others to the same standards. I trust they will not
be partisan to party lines but partisan to Americans. I also trust that every
vote will count-once.

Most importantly I trust that race will not be an issue but protecting our
country from terrorism will be and when the call comes in at 3 a.m. I don’t care
if John McCain or Sarah Palin picks up the receiver!

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