Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Baseball, Apple Pie & Government Motors?

By Crystal Laramore

Edited by Deborah Martin

Barack Hussein Obama said he was going to give us change. Change can be a good thing, but he is not stopping at changing our core values, changing our paychecks, changing the way the world sees us, changing our life styles and those of generations to follow but he’s changing the lyrics to our favorite past time songs too? Is there nothing about our country that he loves? Is nothing sacred?

Why does Barack Hussein Obama hate America so much? Every day, EVERY DAY since his inauguration I’ve had to listen to him speak on television about how “bad” America is and how he and Pelosi and Reid and all those corrupt folks at ACORN are going to drive us in the right left direction. Remember what John Adams once said “Democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts and murders itself. There has never been a democracy yet that didn’t commit suicide”!

Every time I see Barack, which is OFTEN because he LOVES to go on TV, his brow is furrowed and he looks serious and we’re always in a flipping “crisis”. Where are the motivational speeches? Why isn’t he rallying the troops? Why isn’t he telling us “We are Americans! Let’s be all we can be!”?

I feel as though he’s saying, “Let’s just face it, we suck. We’re no better than anyone else and it’s time we get off of our pampered pedestal. Let’s sabotage ourselves further and go in the direction of socialized health care. It’s never, ever worked and I know it won’t work here either, but isn’t that the goal - to be on a ‘level playing field’ with the rest of the world? Now listen, we don’t want to be better than everyone else because then they might not like us. I know everyone who lives in a country with socialized medicine comes here for their treatment, but still, let’s just lower our standards so those who aren’t as great as we are don’t feel bad”.

Hey, I just had a thought – if we’re ALL second rate where will WE go for treatment?

Our shiny new president keeps talking about justice, about how he's going to bring economic "justice", racial "justice", ecological "justice". What the heck IS he talking about? I thought I knew what justice meant but maybe I should look it up again. I have always thought it meant doing what was right as established against a solid set of criteria.

Economic justice would be to give everyone equal opportunity to be financially successful - NOT give them what they want regardless of their work ethic. I do not want to work my tail off for SOMEONE ELSE!!! Who does? Why does he want to punish those of us who are using our own resources to drive this country? Is he jealous?

I am beginning to think that since he (and all of his cronies) basically got a free ride, and seemed to have such a good time getting it, that he (and all of his cronies) thinks everyone should get a free ride. No, Mr. President. If everyone gets a free ride who will pay for it? There IS a tipping point. Tea anyone?

Oh, and wouldn’t economic “justice” be that any corporate executive should be able to fly around the world in the jet HIS company worked to pay for but, the President and his wife should just stay in town for entertainment? Is there NOTHING to do in Washington? I bet he could find a tea party to attend…Why does he get to fly around on our plane, while we pay for it but we cannot fly around on our planes??? Can you spell “double standard”? “Ya say ya want a revolution…”

I thought racial justice meant treating all the races the same because, after all, underneath our skin we are all basically the same - NOT give formerly mistreated races the upper hand to dole out retribution henceforth and forever more. And what about reverse discrimination? Several teenagers have told me they are being made to change clothes if their t-shirts say anything political in a conservative sense. However, everybody wearing a t-shirt with a dollar bill on it and screaming “Change” and “Obama” gets a high five!

One student at a local high school was made to remove a bumper sticker from HIS truck that HIS parents paid for that read “McCain Palin”. Seriously??? Are you kidding me????

Listen, I can't even address ecological justice without nearly throwing up. We should take care of the earth, definitely, positively. But why lie about the situation? Al Gore won a NOBEL PEACE PRIZE and had stolen/pilfered/lifted footage from a MOVIE to use in his DOCUMENTARY! And, now it seems any animal or germ having a hard time and in danger should be saved, but when it comes to humans its okay to kill babies from embryo to full-term. What the heck. We must get the world to a manageable global population level SOMEHOW! Why not kill viable babies? Tea anyone?

What gives people cause to behave so badly? What ARE they afraid of? Have we come this far to go straight back where we were? Has no one in this generation read 1984 or Brave New World? How about early 20th century European history? Why are we so afraid to be what we are? Americans used to be proud of being an exceptional, hard working, upwardly mobile society. THAT’s why so many people from other countries want to live here. Because they sky was the limit! You could DO and BE anything! If we become like everyone else then the whole world loses. EVERYone loses. America has been the escape hatch for oppressed people everywhere. How crazy is it to follow a man who wants us to oppress OURSELVES??? The old America would never stand for this.

I would like to mention some items for consideration: Builderbergers, The Illuminati, and The Trilateral Commission. “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge” Guess who said this? I’m no conspiracy theorist, but I am becoming one…

I'll tell you what! Justice will only happen when enough conservatives, liberals, democrats, republicans, Christians, Atheists and hot blooded Americans WAKE UP and STAND UP for REAL equality and justice or we are going to wake up and be France, for Pete's sake!! Let's collectively grow a set and put our country back on the right track, where hard work is rewarded, not poor planning, apathy, carelessness or downright laziness. Tea anyone?

I want to live in the United States of America. The one where government is small and works for US; the one where men and women who fight for their liberties are considered heroes not murderers; the United States of America where men are considered equal no matter the color of their skin but the character of their heart, Mr. President, Sir.
We don’t want to be wimps, sir. We want to be able to whip some serious a$$ if need be. If someone threatens to tear apart the moral fiber our country we want to stop it, sir. And why don’t you want that too? Is it because you feel inadequate in our shadow? Is it because you are not really, after all, one of us? What IS it? Oh, I guess it depends on what your definition of “is” is…

I want to live in the United States of America where men love their country so much they will leave family and friends, hop on an aircraft, travel half way across the globe, jump off the aircraft, put on 80 lbs of battle gear in a foreign county and look evil in the face knowing all the while there is a strong possibility they will die- and all to keep the enemy OVER THERE so you, sir, the man who hates his country, can sleep safely knowing your wife and children will encounter no harm in the night, sir.

Tea anyone?

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