Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Tea Anyone?

By Crystal Laramore

While I lived in the big metropolis of Houston, politics didn’t really enter my life in a tangible way, but I never turned the radio off of Rush from 11 am to 2 pm. And the dedication paid off. Several years ago I left the big city and the big corporate paycheck and headed east where the pine trees grow a hundred feet tall and the locals have been round these parts for as many years. I be-bopped into this whisper of a town with big city ideas and an “I can do anything I want b/c I’m an American” big city attitude. I bought a building on the courthouse square (no sense making a ripple, splashes are more fun), turned it into a restaurant and applied for a liquor license…

…Stay tuned.

…During the time we (my customers and I) were applying for a private club license so we could all have a glass of wine or adult beverage with our dinner, I learned a lot about politics; especially small-town politics. I also learned that what people want far out weighs what is legal in some cases. People behave in the strangest of ways when what they want is not what is right. It’s that feeling thing we so often discuss. Obtaining a private club license in my restaurant was/is 100% legal. But that did not matter. What the locals wanted is what mattered. Never mind what the majority wanted. Never mind what the majority tax payers wanted. Never mind the law. Never mind capitalism. Never mind…Never mind…We had the right, under law, to do what we were doing. And we won. But we had to suffer expenses and lost revenue in the mean-time. But, we won.

When people are making decisions and laws based on feelings bad things can and do happen. Laws were made and passed to stop the change. Lies were told. Secret meetings were held. Illegal meetings were held. More lies were told, ON THE RADIO! Good thing I was the host! Snicker. Else, I would not have been able to defend myself against blatant lies, told to stop a legal event, b/c some (very few) people did not want it to occur. Basically, relatively good people did some bad things. Emotions got in the way of logic. Happens all the time. Happening today.
Now, back to feelings and national politics:

What is going on now on a national level is no different than that tiny event that occurred on a local level. Just more people care now. Thank God! But, sometimes, we don’t win. Do you feel like we are winning now? Today?

And no, I did not vote for the saxy jazz musician, but a lot of people did. At the end of the day I just wanted to be safe. It was a matter of national security for me. At the end of the day more people just wanted to feel…good? Apparently a lot of people voted based on the warm fuzzy feeling Clinton gave them. Apparently they thought he was in touch, too. Snicker. He was in touch all right. Apparently feelings outweighed thoughts and those who voted for him suspended their thought process; which means they had to possess it at some point…hmmm.

On a regular basis people ask me what I think about politics or specific candidates. I have a lot to say about that considering my background and my own personal fights, but my answer to them is “What do YOU think”? Seriously, unless I know they have researched the subject themselves, I’m not giving away all my knowledge. I’ll debate someone b/c maybe I will learn something myself, but I’m not just giving up all my hours of research and study time, all my “Rush” hours. That’s like giving someone who hasn’t studied a lick the answers on the final college exam. Not liberal. No level playing fields. Not happening.

Now, if they just don’t know cuz they’re lost, that's a different story. That's when I send them to Rush, Hannity, O’Reilly and Fox News in general. I steer them away from their network news and explain to them that just b/c it’s on television or in print does not mean it’s the truth. Nooooo. Yeeeessssss. My very own flesh of my flesh, blood of my blood, mother once belonged in this category. She once exclaimed (during the first Clinton era) while I was berating the imbecile for lying about “have sexual relations with that woman, Monica Lewinsky” and berating the news network for spinning the story, “Crystal Lee (I’m from the south, our middle names end in vowels so our moms can scream for/at us ad-nauseum) it is on TV. They can’t lie on TV!!" OMG! Rush had often mentioned people like this. I just didn’t know I was kin to any of them! And so closely kin…crap.

Journalism has become somewhat of an ugly term in the conservative vocabulary. Words do not mean anything anymore. The liberal or, as Rush says “The drive-by media” no longer value the truth. I’m not sure they (the liberal media) value much of anything except maybe seeing their name in print. This assault on truth in the written form can be witnessed from the smallest of newspapers/journals all the way up to the mega-media giants.

When did spinning something go from yarn to truth? When did what we want start prevailing over what is true and right? When this assault on what is right happens in small doses, we don’t hear much about it therefore, we don’t DO much about it, maybe that is why we are in the mess we are in right now. And we are in a mess. Our politicians are NOT doing the work of the people. Not the majority anyway. They are doing the work of the lazy. They are taking from the working people and giving to the lazy. And the working people are fed up. Tea anyone?

My AC and UB are living in Colorado Springs, Colorado where most people are conservative but something weird is happening in Denver. People in Denver are volunteering to have electricity meters in their home! You know, to measure how much they are using when. I can guarantee you there will NOT be one in the Laramore home!

We all wonder how far our President, our Speaker of the House and Harry Reed want to take their agenda? Wonder if they realize every red-blooded, Christian, conservative, born in the U.S.A., flag-waving, gun-toting, Bible thumping person we/they know is buying ammo, with cash, whenever/wherever they can. Wonder if they are paying attention to the murmmers and the discontent of the majority of this country? Wonder if they realize even folks who voted for Obama is against his far-left agenda? Wonder how they like their tea?

Like so many things in life sometimes you have to fall all the way down to get back up. Many people become Christians this way. They try things their way for awhile and when they are all the way down, with nowhere else to turn, they call on God. My AC (aunt Cheryl Laramore) and I were debating this issue just yesterday. I said maybe God knows what he’s doing…duh! Maybe we needed to get this far down in our country to be able to get back up. It’s like God is saying “You want a country without religion? You want a country that is ‘tolerant’? You want to keep prayer out of school? Really? Well, here’s what it looks like. Have a nice day”.

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