Tuesday, March 31, 2009

America's White Collar Cartel

By Crystal Laramore

Weren’t you under the impression that organized crime was illegal? I certainly was. There’s always so much yapping about Mexico’s drug lords and the drug cartels. What about the cartels in Africa, Venezuela, Columbia? Can you spell Chavez? There is certainly enough anger directed toward him, straight from our very own mafia bosses; Obama, Reed, Pelosi (who is probably the real head of the organization. Obama is the figure head and spokesperson and Reed must just be kin to Guido who apparently has something on Pelosi.

And what about Blago? Poor sap. Someone had to be a sacrificial lamb.

Now, Harry Markopolos tried to point out to the SEC that Barney Madoff was running a ponzi scam? The only reason I use the word “try” is b/c the SEC couldn’t understand what Markopolos was saying. He actually laid the information under their noses and it took over 10 (count them, 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10) years to open an official investigation. Well, they sorta opened one, but couldn’t find their calculators with both hands and, after ELEVEN months of finding NOTHING, they closed their “investigation”!

Understand that if the people working in the SEC know nothing about finances, statistics, integral calculus, algebra, hedge funds, money market accounts, pension funds, how to add and subtract, they probably will not be able to pick off a fraud even if the fraud was sitting right next to them. And Madoff did sit right next to them and placated them and disrespected them and lied to them. But, he made them feel good cuz he told them what a great job they were doing and how NO ONE could get one over on THEM! Snicker.

Taken from the 60 Minutes website:

Asked how long it took him to figure out something was wrong, Markopolos said, "It took me five minutes to know that it was a fraud. It took me another almost four hours of mathematical modeling to prove that it was a fraud. "

It was the performance line that Markopolos said caught his attention. "As we know, markets go up and down, and his only went up. He had very few down months. Only four percent of the months were down months. And that would be equivalent to a baseball player in the major leagues batting .960 for a year. Clearly impossible. You would suspect cheating immediately."

"Maybe he was just good," Kroft remarked.

"No one's that good," Markopolos said.

Wonder how much money was embezzled during those periods when the Government doing NOTHING except feeling good about themselves and getting paid by us!!!! Oh! I have a theory…if you don’t actually earn the money how can you respect the money?

If the SEC cannot do their job; if the SEC cannot oversee their own oversights (redundant, I know!), what makes anyone in this country think the govt. can run, oh let’s say an international corporation that builds automobiles? Just look at the man who is the frontrunner to be the COO-Barack Hussein Obama. He does not have a business degree. He has not run a company. The closest thing he’s ever come to being in charge of anything larger than a lemonade stand is organizing community events. Well at least the company picnic should come off without a hitch! Maybe Oprah will let him run her company for practice.

Furthermore, since he’s been elected to organize our country, he’s failed miserably. Have you noticed that we are not organized? Our country is breaking off into separate cells quicker than a fertilized egg. Our financial thermometer (Dow Jones) is down, down, down, up, down, down…But Obama’s power is up, up, up, up! This power grab is out of control. He decides he wants to be in control and bam the COO from GM is fired! Just like that. What about the board of directors? What about the shareholders? The American Government Cartel has decided they want control of major corporations and they are taking it. And they will take away our guns so we cannot stop them! Just wait.

So, with no positive track record he is taking over GM and Chrysler. Really? Just taking them over? Folks, wake up. The next thing he will take over will be farms. “No”, you say. Check out your world news. It’s coming. They will make it illegal to grow your own garden unless you are an agriculture giant like Archer-Daniels. When any company is as big as Archer-Daniels, GM, Chrysler, the Madoff firm or the Federal Government, corruption is just around the corner. Read The Informant.

Do your homework. Obama, Pelosi and Reed will go after every major industry in our country and we’ll all make the same wages and we’ll all work for THEM! Is anyone safe? Rush says he’s pretty sure they won’t go after companies making teleprompter parts! LMAO!

Let’s see what else…ahh yes the second amendment. Screw the constitution and take away the peoples’ right to bear arms. If the people do not have arms, how can they defend themselves? How can we make it appear that it is dangerous for average citizens to bear arms? Apparently, the cartels in Mexico are the fault of their government allowing guns in the hands of the people who aren’t terrorists, oops, I forgot I cannot say that word anymore. The mafia might be listening…might be? See Germany and all facts pertaining to Hitler.

I thought the government was put in place to work for us; to do our bidding. Who’s on first?

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