Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Who's Racist?

By Crystal Laramore

Seriously, I've really had enough of the libs and the White House playing the race card. Kanye West's outburst this past week at the VMA is just one of thousands of examples of how racism exists all right-just not so much with the white folks as with the black folks. Oh heck, maybe it's even-steven, who knows? Who cares? I'm sick of the word, the act and the need to perpetuate it and blame white/conservatives for it.

The libs are the ones always throwing the R word around and bringing it up when someone or some group disagrees with their point of view. We were led to believe that when we elected a black man as president that, as a country, we would have arrived at the Promised Land, the land without racism and bigotry. But the opposite has happened. Now EVERY dissent is blamed on race. We don’t disagree because we have philosophical and/or logical reasons to disagree. Oh no! We disagree because we hate black people and are angry because there’s one in the White House. We can’t win. Well, seems I heard BHO is half white - so maybe that's the part of him people are disagreeing with! Still racist?

Liberals are the ones who keep minorities down so they can maintain their hold over them, all the while promising them a piece of the rich (white) man's pie. Never mind that we ALL can make as many pies as we want. I guess that’s a whole other discussion. Why? Why would liberals want to keep ANYone down, keep ANYone poor? Create dependency on the government? To get that vote man, to get that vote!

Conversely, conservatives want to reward hard work by ALL. Reward us individually based solely on hard work. And if we don’t work? Then we don’t get a piece of that pie, nor do we deserve one. The libs want to keep poor folks poor (and dependent) while they (the libs) get rich (see the Obama's, the Clinton’s, the Edwards’, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, etc.)

While conservatives look down upon lazy people, liberals look down upon you if you are poor but they don’t want you to know it. Otherwise they'd do more to help poor people OUT of poverty instead of just perpetuating the victim mentality thus continuing the vicious cycle of poverty and dependency they claim to be fighting so hard against. Well, they need to own their racism and get that monkey off OUR backs! I know, I know. That’s wishful thinking on my part.

We, the people (not just the white people), had a senator/congressman? shout out "You lie" during a speech in which the president was indeed lying. Now the libs want his hide. They are out for blood. They want to wreck his life and his career. They are calling him a racist b/c he is white and disagrees, vehemently, with a black president. Don’t I have that right? Wasn’t our country founded on the right to speak up, loudly if necessary when we disagree with out leaders, whether they are black or white? Was every black man/woman who ever disagreed with a white president a racist? And what of BHO himself, immediately disrespecting the act of a white law enforcement officer before knowing any of the details simply because the person arrested was black? Is that racist? Well?

It makes me so sad to see someone like Kanye West do what he did and so proud to see someone like Beyonce try to right his wrong (what a class act). And kudos to Taylor Swift for not knocking on Kayne’s thick-racist-skull with the microphone and saying "Hello! Is anybody IN there"?

And, NO, it doesn't bother anyone because Kanye West is black!! It bothers us because he was extremely rude! Period.

Wilson cannot apologize enough for his outburst! But Kanye West can dishonor a young (white) woman, humiliate another, and an apology is acceptable for him? Why? Because he's black? Can he not be a racist b/c he's black? Or does he have carte blanche b/c he IS black? I think not on both counts. Kanye West showed his true heart - Live, in HD & recorded for infinity in Technicolor!

And what about the black boys who beat up the white boy on the school bus? Is that a hate crime? Just checking cuz we need to keep things fair and balanced.

Back to Senator Wilson: When he called out "You lie" Obama was giving some lip service by saying illegals would not be using, ahem, abusing the new and improved health care plan and he was, in all honesty, disrespectful. But can't ya just understand and feel the level of frustration that pushed a grown man to that point? This administration is stealing, lying and cheating us out of our money, jobs, health care and overall sense of hope and prosperity each and every day and NO ONE in the mainstream media is calling them out on it. What he and his cronies are doing to our country is an atrocity. And NO ONE in the mainstream media seems to even know how to spell ACORN yet Wilson is a racist? We’re not in Kansas anymore Toto.

Back to racism-I have NEVER heard the word or felt the power of the word more than since this man's first week in the oval office. This administration and the rest of the far left are perpetuating an evil spirit and bringing back to life what so many gave their lives to kill. Racism doesn't just belong to the black race, oh no. The whites and browns, purples and yellows all have their fair share. It's awful and sick and pathetic. And why someone, anyone, especially LEADERS OF THE FREE WORLD would want to perpetuate it is beyond my ability to comprehend. This administration and the liberal-led Congress are destroying so much progress we have struggled to make over the past 50 years.

Follow the money. All I can think of is follow the money. There must be some profit somewhere for someone for racism to exist. For one thing some black leaders would be out of business if they didn’t have racism to fight. It’s all they know how to do and I swear I believe that part of this is their fault. They egg people on so they’ll have something to fight. Maybe because they can’t get real jobs.

Tea Anyone?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I couldn't have said it better myself.