Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Oh Oprah...

by Crystal Laramore

edited by Deborah Martin & Cheryl Laramore

…you were right; He IS the one! He IS the one who is trying to destroy the American dream one sector at a time. He IS the one who is trying to destroy the best medical care system in the world. He IS the one who is trying to divide our country down racial lines instead of uniting us, as he so eloquently promised while holding the hand of his mighty, all-knowing teleprompter.

He IS the one who is trying to make a joke of your hard work and success because it flies in the face of his end goal – total dependence on government! He IS the one who is trying to press you to work harder for less. Why? So that many of his followers (aka voters) can NOT work at all and get more for it. More from us, Oprah. Maybe you have soooooo much money that you just don’t care anymore. Well Oprah-I don’t and I do!

He IS the one getting mainstream conservative Americans off our lazy butts to take back our country. He IS the one who is motivating average working Americans across the nation to get back to the basics of our constitution. He IS the one who showing the American people just how elitist Washington D.C. really is.

He IS the one responsible for Americans rallying together to stand up to our Congressmen and remind them that THEY work for US, just as Hillary Clinton suggested we do when George W. Bush was President. Hey Pelosi, are you listening? What's good for the left hand is good for the Right! Get it?!

He IS the one who proudly proclaimed his background as a simple hardworking community organizer. Just a grassroots kind of guy trying to better the community and now he has the NERVE to criticize and marginalize those who stand up in Town Hall meetings to proclaim their objections to the hastily slapped-together legislation HE is calling reform? And if that weren’t bad enough he has actually asked his supporters to report dissent directly to him? Can you say BIG BROTHER???!!!

And to take matters a step further the police tried to make the anti-health care Americans who attended the President’s Town Hall meeting in Massachusetts stand behind the front lines, behind the parking lot, under a grove of trees, while allowing the pro-health care Americans stand street-side. Can you say "hate crime"? Might as well be.

What the heck IS going on??? If they are afraid then they must be doing something wrong? If they really care about our wants, needs and desires then why are THEY using such antics to push through something the American people clearly DO NOT WANT? Follow the money. Always follow the money.

Medicare and Medicaid, Fanny Mae, Freddy Mac and Social Security...just a few examples of well run (snicker, snicker) governmental programs wrought with fraud, abusive, power hungry folks and financial leaks in the billions. Now let's just make government run health care bigger and let's include all illegal immigrants. What, do they get to vote if they have health care? What is the motivation to further tax our system by taking on and encouraging illegal immigration? Somebody PLEASE splain it to me, Lucy?

Over the last few weeks the news has been peppered with stories covering Town Hall meetings. After watching several of these I realized why our president wanted to get his health care bill passed BEFORE Congress went on recess – because he’s afraid that if they wait they won’t be able to stand the heat coming from their constituents. Smart man. However, it didn’t even come to a vote and now our voices are being heard - loud angry voices, I’m told. Well, hell yes we’re loud and angry. Congress does not work for the President, they work for us (we the people) yet they consistently do the President’s bidding, not OURS! Hey Congress-you are pandering to the wrong body of people! The last I checked WE THE PEOPLE put you in office, not we the president.

Obama and his cronies are accusing conservative Americans of tactics he’s quite familiar with; planting people who are against (wink wink) his cause, racism, partisanship, inciting violence, etc. You know what they say…when you point one finger three more are pointing right back atcha! Hey, Obama, don’t look now but your (community organizer, Chicago political machine) roots are showing and WE are just plain fed up with being manipulated.

My favorite story this week is about the African American man who was selling “Don’t Tread on Me” flags and buttons. Two black and one white SEIU men beat him up. What??!! Wonder if the president and his teleprompter will address this none-of-his-business issue and play the race card. Let’s see.

As horrible as it was for this man I believe the incident is going to be even worse for the libs because, guess what? The African American victim has an attorney and they plan to file civil charges using the libs own Hate Crime legislation! Snicker, Snicker! Oh, why go for a hate crime? Because the first black man to throw a punch called him a “F…ing! Oh yes he did! He said “What kind of f…ing n…er are you” selling these flags?”

Seriously! I’m sorry, is every black person in America supposed to love the president and everything he does just because they belong to the same race? Talk about racist! Obama IS a product of Chicago politics at its worst. Given his upbringing, his consistent association with radicals and ruffians, how could this NOT start showing up?

Did his followers really think the tiger was going to change his stripes once in office? Did they really believe all that hope stuff? Are we really going to stand by and let our country become third world without a fight? I don’t think so and the August town hall meetings all over the country are evidence that Americans, liberal and conservative, are waking up and paying attention. PS. If you see anything "Fishy" in this article pls. report it to the White House aka Government Mobsters.

In closing, I’d like to quote a famous Japanese admiral who stated after Pearl Harbor: “I fear all we have done is awaken a sleeping giant.” Obama, Pelosi, Reed, Senators, Congressmen... You’d better be paying attention because the giant is awake and he’s coming after YOU!

Tea anyone?

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