Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Wake Up Congress-We Are

By Crystal Laramore
Edited by Deborah Martin and Cheryl Laramore

Ever heard the old saying “I’m so mad I could chew up nails and spit out tacks”? Well that is how I felt when I heard a congressman say something like: The American people need to rediscover the republican agenda. They need to rediscover the core values of the Republican Party. Is he kidding? Seriously? I’m pretty sure it was the American people who organized the tea parties. Right? It certainly wasn’t congress! And they, the American people, were right and left. I’m pretty sure, congressman, it is the American people and ONLY the American people who are pretty damned sure what our conservative core values are! And we’re pretty damned sure you congressman, and your colleagues are the only ones who have forgotten what our core values are. Clearly, there is a difference between the American people’s core values and those of congress. Clearly.

But never fear; we the American people are here to remind you, sir, and your colleagues. Hence, the tea parties, you sap. Ever since the AIG bailout all I could think about was tea and Boston . I told everyone who would listen, “People are going to start throwing tea over the side of the boat any day now”. So, it was no surprise to me, you sap, when tea parties started popping up all over the United States of America.

And now you have the audacity to stand there on national television in your designer suit and tell us, via Fox News, that WE need to re-connect with OUR values???? You did not. Oh, yes you did. Jesus said “What a man thinketh in his heart, so is he”. I was a hater today, sir. You made me want to hate you. Jesus says it’s a bad thing to cause someone to stumble, and I was stumbling all over the place today, sir. Again, I wanted to hate you or hit you. But instead, I’m going to pray for you. I’m going to pray that you learn to whom YOU are speaking. God forbid that we the American people REALLY get together and tell you how connected WE are. And make no mistake about it, sir, we are connected; in thought if not in action. But, the thought does come first doesn’t it. Look out, sir.

And for full disclosure let me state that I did vote for GW. Also for full disclosure let me state that I did NOT vote for GW to bail out AIG. That did not line up with my core values, sir. It did not line up with a free-market, sir. They were NOT too big to fail, sir. Nor are you. Careful how you speak to us. We are the American people. When we’ve had enough we will fight back. Can’t you feel the earth move under your feet?

California is certainly feeling the earth move and by no fault of the fault lines. No, this time their government is causing the movement. California , liberal California, is voting NO to higher taxes. But Barney Frank wants to bail them out. Listen Barney, you need to let California fail if that is what it takes. Oh wait; I have a better idea-let Texas govern them. Tee hee hee. Hey, it’s a good idea. In 2008 Texas produced more jobs than the other 49 states combined! Oh yes we did. And, Texas also produced more new businesses and cut taxes and we’re cutting taxes again. People WANT to do business in Texas because we are “The Friendly State”. We are friendly to strangers, entrepreneurs and gun owners.

And while we, the gun-toting, Bible-thumping, Jesus-loving people of America are holding onto our guns and our religion you had best hold onto your tongue. Do not speak down to us. We put you up there - on that pedestal and, with the help of our buddy Toby Keith, we can knock you off of it! I’m beginning to understand why you guys want to take away our guns!

Can anyone spell TERM LIMITS? These careerist politicians have no inkling what the founders meant when they intended ordinary people to “serve” their districts by going to DC. Instead, narcissism now exists in the place of service to others – by both parties!! Narcissism has never been more evident than in Arlen Specter – vote for me all you dumb PA democrats. I’ve turned my back on my friends, colleagues, those who helped me win elections and not to mention my own principles, if I ever had any. And why you ask? Because at 76 years old I need to be sure I win another election…Because…well, because it is ALL ABOUT ME and only ME!!! I just can’t give up the POWER, the POWER…..THE POWER!! I am too important. My opinions, my votes and my influence – it’s all TOO IMPORTANT!! But, don’t worry, I’d never sell you Dems down the river to pad my own nest or ensure my pedestal is secure….HA!!! I hope he gets his A$$ kicked by Pat Toome!!!!!

68% of Americans do NOT want to pay higher taxes in order to provide health care to all.

76% of Americans OPPOSE a federal bailout of ailing insurance companies. That 76% is made up of Republicans and Democrats; libs and repubs; blacks and whites; pro and anti abortionists; Christians and atheists. Oh! Which equals THE AMERICAN PEOPLE!!!!!!!

And the leader of the most unfavorable pack? You guessed it; CONGRESS.
Yep, over 90% of Americans do NOT TRUST CONGRESS.

The Supreme Court happens to be the branch of govt. we trust the most and that is a tenuous relationship, at best.

Wake up Congress-we are!

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