Monday, December 8, 2008

Shut up Rosie!

Written 29 May 07

Ok, I am sick and tired of being sick and tired…of Rosie O’Donnell. For the love of our country and all that is decent, will someone please pull the plug on her?!

When should we step in and say enough is enough? When did the concept of freedom of speech leave out the equally important concept of freedom of responsibility in our speech? Can we say whatever we want? Of course not. You can’t say “hijack” in an airport. You can’t say “fire” in a crowded theater. Need any more examples? But it’s true, you say! So what? I don’t believe what Rosie says is true, not for a minute, but here’s another concept for you: just because it may be true that doesn’t mean it needs to be said.

Rosie crosses the line here. If it were not for those men and women she openly called terrorists on The View, she would not have a job. How can she not defend them, our men and women in uniform who have fought and given their lives for centuries to defend her right to say the misguided words that come from her mouth? She would not have a platform to spill her treasonous and treacherous diatribe if not for these men and women, our men and women. She is calling insurgents “freedom fighters” and our soldiers “terrorists”! Can you say TREASON?!

The people setting off mortars and burying roadside bombs are terrorists, plain and simple. By calling them freedom fighters she is denigrating the very organizations that are giving their lives for the comforts she so readily takes advantage of.

If it weren’t for Fox News (and a scattering of other less popular news organizations) we would not have one decent perspective on this issue.

And when it comes to “views” why is it that she attacks Elizabeth Hasselbeck for having a differing opinion? Is she trying to get to the truth or just spout her ignorant opinions? Let me answer that…she is proving over and over that she is ill-educated, uninformed and biased on the issue of war. She wants to be able to say whatever comes into her head without consequence. Well, she’s not on The View anymore, is she? It’s about time.

And on another note, it is a shame she is allowed to speak the words she does while Don Imus is fired. It is no different. She is calling our troops terrorists. It is unfathomable to me that she is not made an example of like Imus was. His comments showed incredibly poor judgment to be sure, but they weren’t treasonous.

What, are we going to allow her to burn the United States Flag on national television next? Might as well…

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